She has always been in my corner. When no one seemed to understand me, she always was there for me to turn to. Growing up we were so close, I loved spending all my time with her. She always knew what to do to make me smile, and I longed for summer days spent at her house. I can remember vividly as a child holding on to her so tight in her swimming pool as she held me and spun me around. Sleepovers at her house were the best and I loved climbing into her bed in the morning and just being able to be myself and tell her anything that was on my mind. I know I am a better mother and a better person because of the things she has taught and instilled in me. I can already see the same bond I have with her, with you and your Mimi and that makes me so happy inside.
It brings my heart such joy that she is still here to see you and watch you grow. She loves you so much and stops here at least once a week to see you. She loves your little smile, and she always says she can't believe how much you have grown (even if she just say you the day before). She can't wait to take you in her swimming pool and watch you swim. I love her so much and it brings tears to my eyes to think that you may not ever remember her. She tells me everyday how beautiful you are, and that you make the world go round!
I love you Gram!

having my nana here still, i know how you feel. we are truly lucky and our kids sure are lucky too!!