Before Reese and Mariam came along, it was just you and Maya. I was so overjoyed to be having a little girl, and even more excited that she would grow-up with my best friend's baby girl! Aunt Jen and I LOVE to get your pictures taken together! Michelle is always more than willing to let us jump in on each other's photo shoots!(thank you Michelle), and we just keep hoping the two of you will like each other as much as we want you to! Even before you were born, Aunt Jen and I would buy the two of you the same clothes, shoes, and hair accessories!

Since Mimi watches Maya you two get see one another everyday! And now that you are 6 months old and Maya is a year, you guys are really starting to interact with one another. Every morning when we come downstairs, I put you in your jumperoo and Maya pulls herself up to you and immediately the both of you start chatting with one another. Mimi and I laugh at the thought of what you are saying! Every afternoon we load you both in the double stroller and take you for a walk. Side by side you look like little old ladies, it's really too cute for words. Within the past week you are both beginning to fight, it's so funny to see you get mad when Maya pulls a toy out of your hands. But I have to say, for as small as you are, you can really put up a fight!
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