Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Little Comedian

You are saying the FUNNIEST things lately. You always have me and Daddy cracking up. I want to write it all down so I never forget and can always remember and laugh! The bigger you get the more and more you are talking and talking so well!

  • You were riding your tricycle around the kitchen and you had your baby doll in the back basket. You took a turn too quick and your baby fell out. You yelled "Oh Jesus Baby, I'm so sorry!"

  • On New Years Eve you stayed up until 11:50pm. You looked over at me and said you wanted to go to bed. I carried you into your room and started rocking you a bit. I started talking, feeling all reminiscent and was recalling to you all the fun things we did together that year. You reached your little hand out and put it over my mouth and said, "Mamma just put me down in my crib."

  • We took you to Disney on Ice and Daddy and I were pretty sure you had no clue what you were going to see. We got in the car and Daddy asked you if you were excited and you screeched at the top of your lungs "Dadddddddddyyyyyyy I soooooooo EXCITED!"

  • Everytime music comes on you start to dance and say "Shake Your Body Mamma!"

Gingerbread Houses & Christmas Cookies

I have become super crazed about starting all these holiday traditions, I guess I just want to try all these things and then weed out the ones that didn't fly before you actually start remembering. Your mom has always been a sucker for tradition probably because I hate change, but I know that these are the things that you are going to remember all your life and hopefully one day do all the same things with your own kids because they simply warm your soul and feel like home. So anyway....Aunt Eri and I decided a new cool tradition for all of us would be to make a gingerbread house. I can honestly say that I never had made one before, and I have always wanted to. So we didn't think at 2 you would be that into it, but I swear you are an adult trapped in a little kids body because you LOVED doing this project. You had your serious game face on and sat there with Aunt Eri for over an hour decorating away. The house unfortunately caved in on itself and had to be thrown right away, but the important thing was that you had so much fun decorating away! We also spent a night at Aunt Eri's with Mimi, Aunt Jo, Aunt Devon and Nonna making our annual pitzells and Christmas cookies, another project that you LOVE! Most definitely two Christmas traditions for us!


I can't really put into words the feeling of Christmas in our first home together as a family. Last Christmas we were still living at Mimi and Poppy's and we moved to our house in early April, so Christmas was the furthest thing in my mind. But when fall turned into winter and Thanksgiving came and went, it was all I could think about. I have always LOVED Christmas and most of all because my mom made it such a special time and I loved the feeling of having everyone together under one roof celebrating. I was much more excited than you were this year. You were still excited, but had to be reminded it was Christmas morning, in my head I had fantasized you running down the steps in the morning (even though I knew you were only 2)! You were excited to see all your presents but once you opened one you could have cared less about the rest! That was so your Aunt Mitzi as a kid! We went to Mimi and Poppy's for Christmas breakfast, and then you went to Aunt Michele's for Christmas dinner and I unfortunately had to go to work. But next year I think that you are going to be at that perfect magical age where you really "get it" and are going to be so so so excited! And I have off of work next year for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so maybe we can convince your Aunt Mitzi to come on home.

 Our Christmas Card 2011