Your Great Grandfather, Pop Pop Marty used to make pizelles every single Christmas. I can close my eyes and picture him sitting in the kitchen for hours filling up coffee can after coffee can with them. The smell of anise seed filling the entire house. He made them the best, and no matter how hard we try, they never taste nearly as good as his.
Since he passed away, your cousins and I still try to get together with Nonna around Christmas and make pizelles. Its a nice way to reminisce and remember Poppy, and it has truly become a nice Christmas tradition. About a week before Christmas, we got together at Aunt Joanne's, I was so excited because I want you to always remember wonderful times like this with family. Since you came along traditions have a whole new meaning of importance to me.'s probably a good thing that you were too little to remember this night because it was a beautiful disaster! The recipe was all wrong, the pizelles weren't right, the house was filled with smoke from the irons, the house a complete mess, and after hours of attempting to make pizelles, we finished with about 50 edible ones.
After our attempt at pizelles, your cousin Erika wanted to try changing a diaper for the first time. With Aunt Joanne and Nonna walking her through it, and Devon video taping it, it was almost as funny as our pitzelles. Of course you pooped, she gagged, couldn't believe the mess, couldn't get over all the wiping that had to be done, but all in all she did a good job! We were all laughing so hard! She hasn't offered to change a diaper since!
Although the night wasn't exactly what I had pictured for your first Christmas tradition, it ended up being perfect! The entire night all we did was laugh, and that's really what it is all about! I can't wait until next year!
Pop pop Marty was smiling down on all of you that day. It is comforting to know that one day we will all be back together again.