When your Dad and I were dating, we decided that we wanted to get a kitten! We searched a few pet stores, but we couldn't find one that we liked. But we did find a boxer puppy that stole your Dad's heart the minute he laid eyes on him! And so we came home with Bruiser instead of a kitten that day. Not long after we brought home Lola, and our lives were soon consumed with taking care of our furry babies! The 2 are quite a pair and love each other very much. Although Brusier is big, a little dirty, clumsy at times, and tends to get on my last nerve...he really is a good dog. AND YOU REALLY LOVE HIM!
Just recently I heard the most beautiful sound, a sound that I had been waiting for since the day that you were born, and it finally happened...YOU GIGGLED! Not only was it a giggle, but it was followed by a big belly laugh, and what was so funny to you?...BRUISER! He kept walking past your highchair as you were getting ready to eat one night, and you just couldn't contain yourself! I sat there with tears in my eyes because it was the cutest thing in the world. And ever since that day, the minute you spot Bruiser in the room, the giggles begin almost uncontrollably. To this day NOTHING will make you belly laugh except Bru, I can stand on my head, sing out loud, make funny faces, and all I get is a smile...no laughs. But as soon as you see that dog...it's the funniest thing in the world to you.

He's been hoping since the day he brought you home you would bond with Bruiser. Just when I think you can't make your Daddy anymore happier, you fall in love with his dog, his "baby" before his baby, and it melts his heart everytime you get excited to see Bruiser.
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