Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Hope...

I hope I can make you proud, I hope I can teach you what is truly important in life, I hope I can show you how to be compassionate to everyone, I hope I can always lead by example, I hope I can be firm with you when I know I have to be, I hope I can show you love when you need it the most, I hope I can always be a friend to you, I hope you always know I love you, I hope you always know I care about how you are feeling, I hope I encourage you to be the best person you can be, I hope I can help you follow all your dreams, I hope I can let you make your own mistakes, I hope I can let you follow your own path, I hope you always know you can tell me everything, I hope you will always be my best friend, I hope you will always want to do better than me, I hope you will understand all my choices, I hope you will always love me as much as you love me right now, I hope you always know you are my heart, I hope you think I'm the best mommy...because I hoped for you for so long and you are the best thing that ever happened to me.

1 comment:

  1. sweet.
    however... not sure about her thinking u are the best mommy though. dont be sad when you turn into the worst mom ever. because really.. thats what the good moms are... for awhile anyway :)
    lucky girl she is.
