The second you were born and it was indeed confirmed that you were a girl, I wanted pictures of you in a tutu. Not quite sure why, but I just really wanted them done! I guess because its probably the most girly thing you can put on a baby, and I was just so happy that I had a little girl! Since you were so tiny when you were born, I couldn't get a tutu small enough for your birth announcement pictures, so when you were around 4 months old and Michelle graciously offered to do your pictures can bet I bought a tutu! I was so excited to strip you down and finally have my tutu pictures...

Unfortunately you were not as excited as me, and you NEVER cried except of course on this day, through all these pictures that I so longed and wished for.

I still love these pictures so much and I'm sorry to say it probably won't be the last time I dress you up and force you to do something that you don't want to do! When you have a baby, you can do the same thing to her...mommy loves you!

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