At 8 months are crawling everywhere! You rarely get up on your hands and knees, you prefer to army crawl using your right arm and left leg to propel yourself so fast across the ground! Your little personality is in full bloom, although you are pleasant and smiling almost all the time, you certainly are starting to push the boundaries at times and let us know who is boss! You definitely know what you want and are beginning to have little tantrums to let us all know as well. You have started to eat puffs and small pieces of fruit, and you LOVE it! You watch us eat everything else and you want to try everything! We are still waiting on you to get some teeth though! You aren't a big snuggler like you were when you were a baby, but I can still get you to cuddle up with me first thing in the morning and right before you go down to bed. You have been saying "ma-ma" for about 2 weeks, but you just recently started saying "da-da" for the first time. You even said it to your Daddy the first time you said it, and I've never seen him so excited. You are working on using a sippy cup, and I saw you trying to pull yourself up in your crib the other morning! You still prefer to be at home, getting shy and slightly overwhelmed in crowds and big groups of people. These past 8 months have come and gone like a flash of lightening. I look back at your baby pictures and I'm already having trouble remembering you that small. Although I get teary eyed at the thought of how fast you are growing up, I'm excited for all the big changes coming up. You are getting to be so fun and I've never been so excited for summer, like I am for this one. I love you more with each passing moment, I whole heartedly know that these are the best days of my life, and I am savoring every sweet second.
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