Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Overwhelmed in the Best Way Possible

I've seen mothers and daughters interact my whole entire life. I've heard every parent say time and time again how they would do anything for their children. I've even seen the unthinkable and watched parents loose a child. All feelings and emotions that I could certainly relate to because I am human, but now I know I never really fully understood, until the day that you were born. Overwhelmed is the best way that I can put it into words. From the moment you were out of my body and placed on my chest, I was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with responsibility. I am responsible now for you. I have to make all the decisions, and the best decisions possible concerning you. Overwhelmed with fear. Fear that I may hurt you, fear that I may do something wrong. This little tiny perfect being is looking up at me, and I was scared to death in some ways. Overwhelmed with tears. I still fill up most days just looking at you. I can remember when you came home, I cried almost everyday when I looked down at you. Overwhelmed with joy. You are the best thing that every happened to Daddy and I. You make us laugh and smile everyday, you make us both such better people. Overwhelmed with pride. From the moment you were born, we were proud of you for pooping, proud you drank a whole bottle, to now proud that you are waving bye-bye, and sleeping through the night. But the most life changing thing of all is how overwhelmed with love we are. Never did I ever even imagine that it was humanly possible to feel the way I feel about you. And all I can say is that you will never really understand this feeling until you become a mommy one day.

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