Wednesday, October 13, 2010


How is it even possible that you have been on this earth for one entire year? I can't even wrap my head around this! At one year old you are starting to make your opinion known in the only ways you know how...yelling, screaming, biting, and kicking. I guess since you are officially a toddler now, the temper tantrums have begun. They are few and far in between, but for a little girl that has been so well behaved her whole year of life, it's quite a change for us. You are an awesome little eater, which makes me so happy. You are now drinking real milk, but insist that we heat up. You are still not walking, but trying, and falling, falling, falling! I hold my breath ever time you take a tumble, but 95% of the time you just keep on moving like nothing ever happened! You love to clap your hands and dance to any music that you hear. Even though you aren't saying anymore actual words, you are jabbering more than ever! You still only have 4 teeth, but I can see 2 more coming through on the top. You still love to snuggle every night before bed, and I look forward to it every night. This year went by in a blink of an eye. I love you more with every passing day. I know before I know it you will blowing out your candles on your 16th birthday.

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